How Much Do Hissing Cockroaches Weigh?

Hissing cockroaches have a body weight of about two to three inches. This makes them one of the largest roaches. Only Megaloblatta longipennis and Macropanesthia rhinoceros are larger. They are brown in color and the males have pronotal horns.

Cockroaches are nocturnal and live in colonies. Their nymph stage lasts for two months before they are born. After hatching, they begin feeding and fending for themselves. They have six instars during their life cycle, and each of these stages lasts about five months. They can survive up to a week without food, and can even withstand up to ten times more radiation than humans.

Cockroaches can live for up to five years if taken care of properly. They prefer fresh produce, dry dog food, and similar pellet foods. Madagascar hissing cockroaches are considered a non-poisonous insect, and they can live as long as five years with the right care. However, they are most vulnerable to humans while they are still nymphs. During these stages, their exoskeletons are still hardening, so it is best to wait until they are completely dark to remove them.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches have six moults before they are fully mature. The outer skin hardens within a few hours, and is highly visible to predators. Cockroaches typically live for seven months and can reproduce up to three times per year. Males are nocturnal and defend territory, while females tolerate other insects entering their space.