What Cockroaches Are in Georgia?

One of the most common cockroaches in the United States is the American cockroach. It is an oval-shaped insect with long antennae and spiny legs. It can grow up to one-and-a-half inches in length and is often found outdoors in summer. They prefer moist, warm areas, and are attracted to light. The American cockroach can be found throughout Georgia.

There are a number of different types of cockroaches in Georgia. The Oriental cockroach is one of the largest, and is one of the dirtiest. It can transfer bacteria and viruses to food, which can cause food poisoning. Its colors can range from cherry red to black. The male Oriental cockroach has wings, while the female is wingless.

In addition to the Oriental cockroach, other species of cockroaches are common in Georgia. They are primarily found outdoors, but they are sometimes found in damp basements. Other common cockroach species in Georgia include the Asian cockroach, smokybrown cockroach, and the German cockroach. While cockroaches are generally not dangerous, they can be very disgusting and a major source of frustration for homeowners.

There are 20 different species of cockroaches in Georgia. However, only a few are capable of infesting your home. The most common type of cockroach in Georgia is the American cockroach, which is brown and has flight-capable wings. It lives up to two years and is most active at night.