What Cockroaches Are in Michigan

Michigan is home to a number of species of cockroaches, including the American cockroach. This species is larger than the German cockroach and can grow to two inches long. They live for up to three years and are usually found in basements, ground floors, and urban areas. These cockroaches are reddish brown with a yellow pronotum.

Cockroaches are common house pests. The most common types are the American and German species. These species are both one-half to two inches long and have reddish brown exteriors. They have yellowish figure-eight patterns on the back of their heads and like warm, moist environments.

The German cockroach is the most common type of indoor roach found in Michigan. It prefers to live in food preparation areas and multi-unit housing structures. The German cockroach measures up to 1/2 inch in length and has two darker stripes running down its back. These cockroaches reproduce rapidly with up to 30-50 eggs in each egg case. Females can produce up to eight egg cases in a lifetime.

There are many species of wood cockroaches in Michigan, including the Pennsylvania wood cockroach and the Oriental cockroach. These cockroaches are often only occasional invaders of homes, but they can be very problematic during mating season. Infestations of wood cockroaches are usually the result of firewood being carried in or from decaying plant matter.