What to Cockroaches Look Like

Knowing what to cockroaches look like can help you identify them in your home. They can range in size from a few millimeters to a couple of inches. Cockroaches also vary in color. They can range from tan to brown to black. They have two pairs of wings and three pairs of legs.

Cockroaches are nocturnal insects that live in groups. They feed on dead flesh, including meat. They also eat rotting food, so they are constantly carrying bacteria. They can be hard to catch. Whether you find them inside your home or out, you should take action.

A wood cockroach is about an inch long, with long antennae. Its wings are tan. Their legs are spiny. They are drawn to lights, so if you see them on your porch, you may have them. Wood cockroaches like moist areas, and they often come into your home after coming to a porch light.

American cockroaches are the most common pests in the United States. They can grow up to an inch and a half in length. They can fly a short distance. Their diet includes plant material and garbage. While they are generally not picky eaters, you should try to clean up food debris on surfaces, especially in your kitchen.

American cockroaches are large insects that are often confused with palmetto bugs. They can migrate into buildings on waste pipes, and they can be transferred on cardboard near dumpsters. They can also jump onto your personal belongings. Their bodies are similar to the German cockroach, and the males have longer wings.