How Much Does Hissing Cockroaches Weight?

Hissing cockroaches are not only an interesting pet. They could even help the Claritin industry with their unique sound. In one study, a dicyopteran named Gromphdorhina portentosa, a species in the Blaberidae family, was found to have a large effect on water conservation. This finding could lead to new applications in search-and-rescue missions.

In their diets, hissing cockroaches eat fruit and protein, which they use for reproduction. When they mate, male hissing cockroaches glide along the female’s abdomen and inseminate. The female, meanwhile, carries eggs in her abdomen. The eggs hatch within the female’s body and develop into nymphs.

A Madagascar hisser has adapted well to human handling, which has made them an ideal on-screen insect. The species lives in the forests of the African island of Madagascar. Its diet consists of fallen fruit, decayed plants, and animal carcasses. The female Madagascar hisser prefers foods high in protein.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches undergo six distinct moult stages. During the first stage, the nymphs stay in the female’s body for about two months. After this time, they develop their own body and feed themselves. The females then molt, shedding their old skin and growing a new exoskeleton. The process is known as an instar. In total, the nymph will go through six instars, with each phase lasting about one to two months.

The Madagascar hissing cockroach is one of the world’s largest cockroaches. At about three to four inches in length, it weighs 0.8 ounces and can live for two to five years. The cockroaches’ striking exoskeleton consists of black spiny legs and two long antennae. Males also have a distinct yellow sexmark on their back, which makes them very attractive.