How Much Does a Bed Bug Extermination Cost?

The cost of bed bug extermination varies widely, depending on the extent of infestation. Some services charge as little as $200 while others can cost up to $5,000 or more. The more expensive treatments are usually needed for severe infestations. The cost for a single room treatment can range from $200 to $300, but the cost will rise significantly for larger homes.

Some companies offer an integrated pest management plan (IMP) to control infestations. This approach involves a combination of methods, including pesticides, monitors, and spot treatments. While this approach can be expensive, it is an effective solution for repeat infestations. It may also include monitoring devices, frequent inspections, and cleanings.

A whole-house treatment can take up to 48 hours and may require more than one application. Additionally, a follow-up treatment is typically required, which can cost up to $75. This follow-up visit can take place four to six weeks after the initial treatment. It is important to choose a company with an eco-friendly approach if you’re concerned about the chemical residues that the treatment may leave behind.

Heat treatment is a good option for homes with moderate infestations. This treatment uses high heat that kills bed bugs on contact. The cost is slightly higher than dry heat, but it is chemical-free and safer. Heat treatments are also ideal for homes with pets and children.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!