Can You Be Fired For Having Bed Bugs at Work?

If you find yourself with a bed bug infestation at work, you’ll want to immediately notify management. While there is no legal obligation to disclose an infestation to your employer, it might be helpful to tell them so that they can take steps to prevent it or help your coworkers avoid spreading the problem. Moreover, you don’t want to be treated differently from other employees who might also have been affected.

However, the question of whether you can be fired for having bed bugs is not so simple. The legality of bed bugs is a matter of state law and local laws. In some states, landlords must disclose whether or not they have a history of bed bug infestations. You can also ask your landlord about the history of the infestations at your property. If your landlord is unwilling to give you an honest answer, you can always file a complaint against them.

Bedbugs are difficult to eradicate. If you or your co-workers have bedbug infestations at work, your employer may offer to pay for an exterminator. If this is not possible, your employer can still make you stay home until the infestation has been eliminated. However, employers should be cautious because they could be held liable for discrimination against protected classes.

If you’ve found bedbugs at home, you can take precautions to prevent them from spreading to your workplace. The best way to avoid spreading them is to wash all clothing on the highest setting recommended. Once the clothes have been washed, you should dry them on high heat for 30 minutes. When they’re dry, you can put them in a sealed plastic bag until they’re dry-cleaned.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!