Can Bed Bugs Walk on Tape?

You may be wondering if you can trap bed bugs with duct tape. Although this method may work, you should remember that bed bugs are too light to adhere to tape. They will find other ways to get into your bed. If you can’t trap them with tape, try other methods. One method you can try is to put some sticky duct tape over your mattress or bedding. This is more effective at trapping bed bugs, but you may not catch all of them.

Bedbugs prefer a smooth surface. They can’t get good footholds on metal, wood, and other rough surfaces. By contrast, plastic tape is entirely smooth. This means that they won’t be able to get onto it. This method is very effective at preventing bedbugs from spreading in your home.

Bed bugs live in mattresses, but they also live in bed frames, drawers, and floorboards. They typically stay near mattresses, where they can easily be hidden. They may also hide behind picture frames or in between floorboards. When they’re not feeding, they look like tiny apple seeds, but when they’re hungry, they grow to 10 mm in length. When you sleep, they remain hidden and wait until it’s safe to come out. When humans sleep, they release carbon dioxide, which increases steadily in the air.

Some people spray essential oils around their beds to repel bed bugs, but these methods are ineffective. This method doesn’t get rid of the bugs, instead, it just makes them regroup and find a new food source.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!