Why Are There So Many Flies in My New House?

A common question that people have is, “Why are there so many flies in my house?” The answer is simple: flies are attracted to warm temperatures. These warm temperatures encourage the larvae of these insects to grow. They need constant food sources to reproduce and keep active. Additionally, the warm weather allows them to hatch their eggs quicker. This can result in a serious problem in just a few days.

The first thing to do to eliminate fly populations is to get rid of any attractants in your home. Flies feed on dead matter and other organic material. You can also control their numbers by keeping your trash emptied regularly. Moreover, reducing the temperature inside your house and closing windows and doors can help keep these flying pests out of your home.

Flies reproduce rapidly, and a large number of them can easily clog your home. They can also become a health hazard, since they carry bacteria from unsanitary areas. If left unchecked, these pests will quickly turn into a major problem.

The flies that live inside your home are attracted to the same areas as the ones that breed outdoors. In order to reproduce, flies will enter your home through a variety of open spaces and then head for the dirtiest areas of your house. Typical breeding spots are the garbage bin and dirty drains. These areas are filled with decayed food and produce maggots, which attracts flies.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!