Why More Flies This Year?

One reason why you may be seeing more flies this year is because the weather has been warm for more than 15 months. Also, people are coming out of their homes and leaving more trash around, which is ideal for breeding flies. Another reason could be the increase in wild apple crops, which had an exceptional crop this year. Unharvested produce that hasn’t been picked yet is also attracting fruit flies.

Earlier this month, the health department in Chicago confirmed that mosquitoes carried West Nile virus, which is deadly if you get it. Luckily, no one in the city has contracted West Nile this year. But, despite the heightened risk, some Chicago residents are noticing an increase in rats and flies in their neighborhoods. This isn’t a sign of a bad year for neighborhood pests, but it’s important to use insect repellents.

Another reason for an increased fly population is that many people are engaging in home gardening. If you’re growing your own vegetables and berries this year, you may have noticed an increase in fruit flies in your home. The population of fruit flies may be linked to an increase in alcohol consumption, which may also be a reason for increased home gardening. Fortunately, there are many ways to deal with the issue of fruit flies, including keeping fruit and vegetable produce in the fridge.

The first thing to do to avoid more flies is to clean up the area in your home. Open garbage cans, rotting fruit, and rotting vegetables are all common places for flies to land. If you notice cluster flies circling around your home, it’s possible that they have entered through gaps in the walls, pipes, and roof eaves.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!