How to Do the Dumbbell Fly on the Floor

To perform the dumbbell fly on the floor, you need to make sure that your arms are steady, but not locked, and that you’re holding them in a contracted position. If necessary, you can use a spotter or someone to help you keep your posture steady. While it’s not necessary to use a heavy weight, the proper technique can help you build lean, muscular chest.

Dumbbell flyes are an exercise that is great for building the chest. They target the entire chest and require healthy shoulders. While the floor version of the dumbbell fly is limited in its range of motion, it still works the pecs very effectively. If you prefer, you can also perform the exercise on an inclined surface, which allows you to work your lower pecs more.

You can also perform the exercise on an exercise ball. This will help you regain lost ROM and will also engage your abdominals. However, it’s important to maintain good balance while performing this exercise, as incorrect form can cause serious injury. To prevent injuries, always maintain a bent elbow while performing this exercise. Hyperextending the arms can decrease the amount of work that your chest is doing.

The dumbbell fly on the floor can be done without a bench, but it may be more comfortable for beginners if you’re doing the exercise on a bench. This is because the floor serves as a safety net for your arms and prevents you from overextending your arms. To do the exercise on the floor, you need to lie flat on a mat, bend your knees, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and bend your elbows.

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