What Cockroaches Are Black?

If you’re wondering what cockroaches are black, you’re not alone. They are also known as Oriental cockroaches. These roaches thrive indoors in moist places. They feed on garbage, decaying organic matter, and corrugated cardboard. They’re also attracted to starchy foods. If the outside temperature is too high or the air is dry, they’ll head inside for moisture.

Oriental roaches are typically black in color and have no colored markings. They are smaller than American cockroaches and often reside inside commercial facilities and residential homes. They feed on decaying organic matter and starchy foods. In the northern hemisphere, Oriental roaches are not very common.

Oriental cockroaches prefer cool and damp areas. They can live indoors and are often found in basements. Although they’re mostly outdoor insects, oriental cockroaches may seek refuge in your home during hotter months. Oriental cockroaches also tend to congregate near sources of water.

Adult male and female American cockroaches are about a half-inch long, or 13 to 16 millimeters in length. Adult males have wings covering 75% of their body, while females lack wings, but do have small wing pads. Young nymphs are reddish-brown and darken as they go through the instars. Females produce up to 280 eggs during their lifetime.

Oriental cockroaches are often found outdoors and prefer damp areas. These roaches live in voids in walls, underneath porches, and other structures. During summer, they may enter your home through open doors, utility pipes, or floor drains. Oriental cockroaches tend to stay on lower floors and tend to gather in damp areas like pipes and radiators.