How Long Do Bed Bugs Live Without Feeding?
Bed bugs can survive without feeding for a period of three to five months. This length of time depends on two main factors: temperature and access to food. Warm temperatures allow bed bugs to digest and feed more frequently, while cold temperatures slow them down. However, the duration of a bed bug’s life without feeding depends on several other factors, including the type of bed bug and its stage of development.
During the first month of their development, a baby bed bug will go through five stages. During each stage, it sheds its skin and evolves into a more mature version. As it matures, it will start to feed less frequently and may go a few days between feedings. As it ages, bed bugs will slow down and die, either from old age or predation.
Luckily, bed bugs do not carry pathogens that can cause disease. Unlike mosquitoes and fleas, bed bugs do not enter the human bloodstream. This means that they don’t carry hepatitis B or viral AIDS. Also, bed bugs do not feed every night, but only when they need to survive. As adults, bed bugs only need to feed every three to four days. During this time, they can survive for 10 to 15 minutes without blood.
If you’re concerned about bedbug infestation, there are ways to treat the problem effectively. One way is to restrict access to their food source. You can cut off their food supply, but that won’t guarantee total elimination. If you’re unable to stop the infestation, call a pest control expert.