When Do Termites Swarm?

Termites swarm when a colony of termites grows large enough to produce eggs and reproduce. The swarms are composed of hundreds of winged termites. Depending on the species, swarms can occur at any time of the year.

Typically, the swarming process begins with a huge initial launch. It is followed by smaller releases over several days. During this time, the colony will split into new colonies.

Once a swarm of termites has been released, they will begin to look for a new home. They will find an ideal place to start their nest. The reproductive female termites will become the queen of the new colony. The king will then mate with the queen and the colony will resume breeding.

During the mating, swarmers will shed their wings. They will then start flying or crawling around the area. They will also begin foraging for food. Once they have found a suitable home, the winged termites will settle down.

During a swarm, you will see workers and soldiers. These two types of termites are more active than alates. They are larger than workers, and they will attack invaders with their long mandibles.

If you notice a swarm of termites, you should take action immediately. These insects can cause irreparable damage to your home. A professional pest control company can help you with this issue.

Termite swarms are usually triggered by warm weather. It is important to keep your yard drained. If you do not, you could have even more problems.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!