Do Termites Only Come Out at Night?

Many homeowners believe that termites only come out at night. However, that is not always the case. Several species of termites swarm at different times of the year, depending on the climate. Swarming termites can be quite destructive and may cause thousands of dollars in repairs.

Usually, subterranean and drywood termites swarm at night. These insects are also quite active during the day. If you have seen flying termites, it is a good idea to contact a pest control company.

Swarming termites can occur anywhere. You may see them on window sills, in the yard, or in the house. The swarm can form a large group or break up. In some cases, the swarms are only visible as wings. You can capture a swarm and bring it to a pest control company for identification.

Swarming termites are a special caste of fertile termites. They were bred specifically to reproduce. During the reproduction process, the swarmers become the king and queen of a new colony. During their lives, the swarmers are much smaller and weaker than the worker termites.

Termites use chemical signals to communicate with each other. The chemical trails they release when they return to their colony help them locate a food source. They also vibrate their bodies to alert the swarm of predators. Occasionally, the swarms will erupt into a war. This can be triggered by throwing rocks at each other or by insulting one of the queens.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!