Is Termites Covered by Insurance?

You may be surprised to know that termites aren’t covered by most homeowners insurance policies. However, you may be able to get some compensation for damages caused by termites.

Termites can cause massive damage to your home. In fact, termite infestations cost over five billion dollars in property damage each year. Fortunately, these pests can be prevented by following the proper precautions.

Although not typically covered by most home insurance policies, a few companies will cover the cost of fixing termite damage. In some cases, your insurer may even pay for repairs to areas that weren’t damaged by termites.

To be eligible for this type of claim, you’ll have to provide proof of a connection between the incident that triggered the termite infestation and the damage. For example, a burst pipe can attract termites, creating an environment that is conducive to the pests’ growth.

If you do decide to make a claim, you’ll have to prove that your home wasn’t maintained properly in the past. You’ll also need to prove that there was no way to detect the termites’ presence before they damaged your property.

If you think you might have termite damage, you’ll want to have your home inspected. This is because a termite infestation can lead to a house collapse.

In addition to the standard homeowner’s insurance policy, you should consider purchasing a more comprehensive coverage. This may include a separate policy for termite removal. You can also get help from family members who have insurance, such as USAA.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!