When Does Termites Swarm?

When does termites swarm? The swarming process happens when a colony of termites reaches its capacity, and then divides into smaller colonies. Typically, it occurs once a year. This is a natural part of the termite’s life cycle.

Termite swarms can occur inside or outside a home. During a swarm, you will see termite wings flying all around your home. The swarms usually last for a few days. If you have seen a swarm, you should call your local pest control company. You can also learn more about the swarm and termite treatment options by contacting a cooperative extension center.

Swarms of subterranean termites are commonly noticed in spring or summer. The swarms are usually formed by hundreds to thousands of winged termites that are seeking a partner to start a new nest. Some species swarm multiple times a year, while others swarm once or twice a year.

Some subterranean termite species, such as light Southern subterranean termites, do not swarm. Their swarms are more like a natural mating swarm, which happen during warmer weather.

If you see a swarm, be aware that it can be quite difficult to determine where it came from. Swarmers sometimes miscalculate where they are going to land. Alternatively, you may find a dead swarmer.

Swarms may be found in your yard, along your foundation or in the walls of your house. If you see one, you should immediately call your termite control service. A swarm can be a symptom of a more serious problem, so be sure to get an inspection by your pest control company.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

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