Do Flying Termites Eat Your House?
Termites are one of the most destructive insects and can cause extensive damage to homes. If you see flying termites in your home, it is important to take action immediately to prevent further damage.
A good first step is to get a professional to inspect your home for signs of a termite infestation. The most common places for termites to establish colonies are in the roof of a house or around the perimeter of a foundation. This is why it is important to seal any foundation holes and soffit vents. You should also replace any damaged wood in your home.
Another sign that termites are in your home is if you notice the emergence of winged swarmers. These are termite colonies that have departed from their original nests in search of a new location to colonize. These swarmers are not strong fliers and must rely on wind currents to reach their final destination.
Termite swarms are a common sight in the spring. During this time, the male and female termites are looking for a place to establish a new colony. They leave their existing colony to find a mate. The swarmers usually fly a few yards before landing.
The swarmers then produce offspring, which can cause significant damage when they land. They are attracted to moist, warm conditions in your home. They will chew through clothing, boxes, and wooden components.
The best way to prevent a flying termite colony is to remove any food sources that are stained with body soil. If you do not want to do this, consider replacing wood that has contacted the soil.