The Importance of a Termite Inspection

termite inspection

A termite inspection is an important part of buying a house. It not only helps you know if your home has termite damage, but it can also help you make a more informed decision. Termite damage does not always indicate a home’s demise, however, and you may still be able to make a successful purchase. You should find out how extensive the damage is and what steps need to be taken to address it. Even if the damage is minor, it could help you negotiate for a better price.


The cost of termite inspection can vary greatly depending on where you live and the size of your home. However, it is best to hire a professional who has the proper qualifications. You can find a termite inspection company that offers a free estimate or has a set price range. This will give you an idea of the scope of work and what to expect. Read on to learn more about this important aspect of termite inspection.

The cost of a termite inspection may vary from $150 to $300 depending on the number of inspections and the amount of treatment. In most cases, a termite inspection report will contain information about the extent of the infestation, possible prevention measures, and the cost of exterminating the pests. This report will also include a proposal for pest control services.


Before you hire a pest control company to inspect your home, it is important to understand the terms used during the inspection. Termite inspectors can be helpful in finding signs of termite infestation. Using a sharp pointed tool, such as an ice pick, they can pinpoint any areas of damage or galleries. Depending on how serious the infestation is, they may recommend a new baiting program, or recommend a liquid termite treatment.

Some purchase contracts may also contain a termite inspection contingency, which allows the buyer to cancel the transaction if the inspection reveals live termites. In addition to termites, the inspector will look for other pests that are specific to the region. Fire ants, for example, like to access air conditioning systems. Rattlesnakes are also known to wiggle through wrought-iron fences. White-throated woodrats are a particular problem in the Southwest, where they cause thousands of dollars in damage each year. These creatures gather together on sticks, insulation, and other debris to build nests.


Termites are small, wood-boring insects that live inside wooden buildings and structures. They are attracted to wood and moisture. Therefore, a thorough termite inspection should include the entire property and not just specific areas. The inspector will also search for any water sources, such as pipes and drains.

A termite inspection can last anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours, depending on the size of your property. During this time, the inspector will thoroughly inspect all parts of your home, including the roof, garage, and sub-spaces. A thorough termite inspection will reveal any evidence of infestation, including droppings, wings, mud tubes, and damaged wood.

A licensed inspector will discuss your concerns with you before determining the scope of the inspection. They will also provide a thorough description of the inspection process. The inspection will take as long as necessary, and the inspector will be able to cover as much ground as possible. If they detect any signs of termite activity, the inspector will be able to highlight the location of the infestation.


The best time to schedule a termite inspection is before you purchase a new home. This will help you negotiate with the seller and have them fix any problems that are discovered during the inspection. In addition, termite inspections are best performed every one to three years. This will give you ample time to address any problems and prevent further damage.

Before you schedule an inspection, it is important to prepare the area where the inspection will take place. To start, you should clear away all debris from under the sinks. Termites like damp conditions, so it is essential to clear out these areas. Also, make sure you move any items in the basement or attic away from the walls. Lastly, if you have a garage, make sure you move any cars and other items that are parked in it.

Termite droppings

While termite droppings aren’t toxic, they are definitely a nuisance. They are also one of the first signs that you may need a termite inspection. If you notice termite droppings in your home, you should contact a pest control professional to get rid of them. The sooner you get rid of them, the less chemicals and termiticides your exterminator will have to use.

One of the most common signs of termite infestation is termite droppings on wood surfaces. You may notice them on window sills, baseboards, door frames, or chimneys. You can also look for wood that has been eaten by termites. These insects typically enter your home through the outside and feed on the wood from the inside out.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!