Termites and Other Pests Can Travel Through Gravel

Termites and other pests may be attracted to gravel and other inorganic substances. These substances provide a weighty layer that pests can build nests on. This weighty layer is also useful for holding moisture. Keeping excess moisture at a minimum can help keep termites at bay.

Unlike wood, gravel and other inorganic materials have no nutritional value and are not a part of the usual termite diet. However, some species of termites can pass through gravel to get to their final destination.

These insects may use the ground cover as a bridge between their colony and the house. The lighter color of gravel mulch serves as camouflage.

Using rocks and other inorganic substances to cover the exterior of a home can prevent termites and other bugs from getting to your property. However, this does not mean you should not plant or maintain plants near your house. Rather, you should consider alternatives like river rock, which has the same rain-dispersing properties as gravel.

Termites and other insects may be attracted to the moisture contained in gravel. This moisture can be used as a source of food, as long as it is not present in excess. It is best to limit the amount of mulch you lay down. Do not let mulch come into contact with structural wood surfaces.

If you have a water line in your yard, you may want to consider sealing it to prevent termites from entering. You may also consider repairing your gutters. If you have a crawl space, you can install vapor barriers to lower the humidity.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!