Can Termites Eat Jarrah?

Termites are pests, but they are also essential to our ecosystem. They are the earth’s first recyclers. They consume cellulose, a naturally occurring material found in woody plants and grass. They break down the cellulose into sugar, a source of energy for the colony.

There are many different species of termites. Some species eat plants, and others prefer hardwood. They can damage your home and garden. They may also eat window frames, skirting boards, and subfloors. You should call an expert for advice if you think you have termites.

Termites are attracted to damp, dead or decaying wood. They are especially attracted to wood damaged by water. If you have wood around your house, you should store it out of the ground.

You can use borate to spray on your wood and make it termite-resistant. Borax is a powder that kills protozoa. It can also be used to paint termites.

Termites primarily feed on cellulose. This is the substance in the cell walls of plants and grass. It is also present in the manure of herbivorous animals. The termites are attracted to any wood that contains cellulose.

The US Department of Agriculture conducted a study to determine which woods were favored by termites. It determined that pine wood and spruce were the most preferred.

Some hardwoods are also resistant to termites. For example, white oak is highly resistant to termites. Another hardwood is River Red Gum. This type of tree is commonly used in flooring.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!