How Are Silverfish Beneficial?

Silverfish are beneficial in a number of ways. They are extremely fast and can easily dash from one location to another. In addition, they are extremely good at hiding.

They can hide in the smallest of spaces and are nocturnal. This makes them difficult to detect. When disturbed, they will run off to a secluded area.

Silverfish are attracted to sugars, starches, and carbohydrates. In fact, they have a very flexible diet.

Silverfish are attracted to damp and dark areas. These include closets, basements, and bathrooms. Keeping these areas clean can help prevent silverfish infestations.

If you have an infestation, use dehumidifiers to discourage the insects. You can also spray essential oils around the home to ward off the pests.

One of the most effective repellents is Diatomaceous Earth. It’s a naturally occurring product that contains the fossilized remains of diatoms. Unlike chemicals, Diatomaceous Earth is nontoxic to humans and can kill the insects by drying them out.

In addition, using cinnamon can also help ward off silverfish. Ground cinnamon is an excellent way to repel them. Alternatively, you can use cinnamon oil.

The key to preventing silverfish is to avoid leaving any food lying around. Silverfish are especially attracted to items that are glued together. Avoid leaving crumbs or food in your cabinets, pantry, or refrigerator.

Another important way to keep silverfish away is to vacuum regularly. Silverfish are able to eat through paper. Therefore, it’s a good idea to store all paper products in airtight containers.

Our top picks for getting rid of silverfish

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your silverfish infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!