Will a Bug Bomb Kill Silverfish?

Silverfish are nocturnal insects, and they are apt at hiding and avoiding being noticed. This means that you will need to use proactive silverfish control to eradicate an infestation. Fortunately, there are many methods that you can try.

The first step is to block access to silverfish. You can do this by sealing up any upholstered furniture and toys that may be a tempting source.

Another way to keep silverfish from reaching your belongings is by maintaining a proper hygiene regime. Silverfish will feed on dirt, dust, and debris. Cleaning up these particles after meals is key.

Another option is to spray or sprinkle salt in areas that are humid and infested with silverfish. Salt works because the bug is unable to resist it.

Keeping your dry foods in airtight containers can also help prevent pests from getting their hands on them. In addition, you should clean up any food that is spilled.

There are also many ways to protect your house from silverfish. One of the best ways is by using dehumidifiers. They can lower the humidity in your home to 60 percent.

Another thing to do is make sure your house is properly ventilated. If it isn’t, you can install a fan. It can clear the air of excess moisture and help you avoid harmful molds.

Lastly, you can make a home-made silverfish repellent. Citrus fruit peels can be placed in infested areas. Using essential oils can work as well.

Our top picks for getting rid of silverfish

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your silverfish infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!