Why is the Rat First in the Chinese Zodiac?

The rat is the first animal in the Chinese zodiac. It is believed to have come first to the heavenly gates. In Chinese mythology, the rat once tricked an ox into victory, showing his cunning personality. His year begins in late January or early February.

The Rat represents wealth and prosperity. In ancient China, married couples would pray to the Rat for children. Rats are known to be agile, quick, and resourceful. They are also kind and amiable, but can be conniving and greedy.

The story behind the rat’s first spot in the Chinese zodiac dates back to the time of the Jade Emperor. The rat, a resourceful creature with a penchant for trickery, won the race and was thereby crowned the first animal in the zodiac. The rat is also one of the most creative animals in the zodiac, with its sharp observation skills and creative imagination.

Rats are often seen as aggressive, competitive, and impulsive, but these traits can also be good assets. They are also brave, intelligent, and courageous. They can be a little difficult to get along with, but with courage and conviction, they can rise to the top. In the coming years, Rats can expect positive career results.

Rats are very good with money and can turn bad situations into a fortune. While they are not the best leaders, they can create a happy family. Their innate independence and strength of character are a plus. They have strong willpower and multi-talented personalities. They are not prone to serious illnesses. Rats enjoy longevity.

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