How Strong Are Rat Traps?

One of the biggest questions you might have when buying a rat trap is how strong it is. You want one that is powerful enough to get rid of the rats in your home, but don’t want to endanger your home in the process. There are a few types of rat traps on the market. Choosing the best one depends on how big your rat problem is, and the size of the rat you are trying to catch.

Rats live in crawl spaces and basements and travel through wall cavities and vents. To catch them, place your trap near these spaces. If you have a large infestation, you may need to mass-trap. If the rats are not coming into the house, you can use bait stations.

One popular type of rat trap is the Kness Ketch. This trap was invented over a century ago and can catch up to 15 mice at a time. This type of trap is mostly used in commercial locations where mice are a problem. These traps are non-lethal, but you must remove them once they are dead. If you have a smaller infestation with fewer than 10 mice, a single trap will do the trick. However, if you have a larger infestation, you may need to hire a professional to help you decide the best method.

A more sophisticated rat trap is the Ratinator. This trap has an LED light that flashes red when the rat is trapped. This trap is also non-lethal and comes with an airtight container that you can dispose of the dead rat without touching it. The Ratinator weighs just under nine pounds without the prisoners.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!