How Do Rats Survive Winter?

Most rats don’t enjoy the cold and they do not usually hibernate during the winter. As a result, these animals have evolved to survive in a variety of temperatures. They have a thick fur that traps a layer of air next to the skin, reducing heat loss. Their blood vessels also constrict during cold weather, which increases the insulation of the body and helps maintain a steady body temperature.

Rats also build burrows to keep warm. They often dig beneath a rock or other structure, but they can also dig open ground. The depth of the burrow is dependent on the insulation of the ground and the temperature outside. This helps rats stay warm and not starve. However, if the ground is not sufficiently insulated, they will seek out an open area where they can find food.

When winter approaches, rats will begin to stockpile food for the winter. They will also begin to build nests in buildings. While their nests are not as elaborate as bird nests, they are made of piles of soft debris. They will use shredded materials, plant materials, cardboard, insulation, and even feathers to build a nest.

Rats have excellent senses of smell. Their keen sense of smell is an important tool for them to find food. They are also able to be selective in what they eat. By sampling different types of food, rats will find enough to sustain them until spring.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!