How Do Rats See Humans?

Rats and people are symbiotic creatures that share a deep bond. While they are not obligate carnivores, they do have strong feelings towards one another and often groom their human companions. This behavior is a sign that they are social and enjoy being with people. Rats also have an excellent sense of smell and will lick you if they feel threatened. Rats also have strong memory and can remember routes.

Rats have two types of cone cells – one that senses light in the ultraviolet and one that senses light in the middle of the visible spectrum. This second type of cone cell is important in rats because it allows them to follow urine trails, which are easily visible under UV light. Rats also respond to human affection and will often bounce around, waiting for attention from humans. In fact, they form strong bonds with humans and can become emotionally attached to them if they feel they are being abandoned by their owners.

Rats can see colors, but they can’t distinguish between red and green. They have cones in their retina for green and blue ultraviolet light. Their eyesight is similar to humans, but they are red-green colorblind, meaning that red-green shades of light are perceived as a dark tone.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

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