Which Oil is Best For Head Lice?

There are many essential oils out there that claim to kill head lice. However, these oils are usually very concentrated, and they can cause irritation. This is not the case with coconut oil or tea tree oil, which are diluted and safe to use on a child’s head. It is always best to consult with a physician before using an essential oil on a child’s scalp, as the effects may vary from person to person.

Another treatment option that is FDA-approved is Benzyl alcohol lotion. It kills active lice and is suitable for children six months and older. However, it is not ovicidal, meaning that a second application is needed to kill newly hatched lice. Also, this type of treatment is not recommended for infants or toddlers, and it is also quite irritating on the skin.

Another natural remedy for head lice is olive oil. It offers similar benefits to anise oil, and it may also have other benefits for the hair. It is available at many grocery stores. Coconut oil is another popular remedy, and it has antibacterial properties. This is an alternative to chemical treatments, which are often irritants to the skin.

A few other herbal treatments for head lice are garlic, sesame oil, and thyme oil. Although garlic is considered a viable treatment, it has few benefits as a treatment for head lice. Sesame oil improves the condition of an infestation, but it can increase the risk of a re-infestation. Anise oil and coconut oil have also been used successfully for head lice treatment.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!