How to Prevent the Spread of Head Lice

The best way to prevent lice is to avoid sharing personal items, clothing and bedding with others, as these items can carry the lice from one person to another. You can also treat all members of your household that have contact with infected individuals. Keeping your children’s hats and stuffed animals separate from others’ is a good idea, too. When washing clothing and personal items, make sure to use hot water and a hot drying cycle. Once they’re clean, put them in a plastic bag and keep them out of reach for at least two weeks. Hairbrushes can be soaked in hot water, too, to kill the lice.

To prevent the spread of head lice, you should avoid sharing clothing, towels or combs with infested individuals. You should also wash and dry all clothing and bed linens that came in contact with the infested person. It’s also important to avoid swimming as this can reduce the effectiveness of some medications.

You should also wash your hat and pillowcases regularly. Besides cleaning your bedding, you should disinfect your house if you suspect the presence of head lice. This may help keep the lice away from your hair but it won’t guarantee that you won’t get them. Head lice are small parasites that live on the hair and spread the disease through close contact.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!