Which Doctor to Consult For Head Lice

Once you’ve confirmed that you have head lice, you need to consult a doctor. There are many medications on the market that treat the condition, and your healthcare provider can prescribe one that’s effective. Most treatments are topical and require two applications. However, some cases of head lice may be resistant to these standard treatments, and you may need prescription-strength medications.

When a child is diagnosed with head lice, school nurses should be notified. The child’s parents should avoid sending their children home from school until the condition is resolved. Then, they should use protective clothing, such as hats, to avoid spreading the disease. It is important to treat children who have been in contact with other children who may also have the infection.

If you have discovered that you have head lice, it’s important to wash any clothing and personal items that your child has used in contact with the person who infected them. Taking these precautions will ensure that the lice won’t be spread to other people. You should also be sure to treat all members of the household who have contact with the person with head lice. Head lice won’t live long away from the scalp. If you suspect that your child has head lice, wash all clothing and accessories in hot water and dry them thoroughly. You can also seal these items in plastic bags to keep them safe for two weeks. Lastly, you can soak your child’s hairbrush in hot water for a few minutes, and this will help kill the lice.

If you suspect that your child has head lice, you should visit a health care provider. A health care provider can examine your child’s scalp and hair for evidence of head lice. They can also examine any items suspected of carrying lice under a microscope.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!