Is There a Pill You Can Take For Head Lice?

If you have a child with head lice, you may wonder if there is a pill you can take. There are medications that can kill lice, but these are available only with a doctor’s prescription. In some cases, you can see crawling lice even after a full course of treatment.

Lice are small bugs, about the size of a sesame seed. They feed on blood several times a day and can survive for two days off your scalp. If you think your child might have head lice, you should treat them as soon as possible. Head lice are spread via close head contact and items that come into contact with the head. Do not share combs, pillowcases, hats, towels, or other items. You should also check everyone in your family for head lice, including other children.

To treat head lice, you can purchase prescription and over-the-counter lice killing products. You should check the label to make sure the product is safe for your child’s age. Some products are suitable for infants as young as two months, while others are only for older children. Some of these products may lose their efficacy after a while, so if you are concerned that your child has head lice, you can visit a doctor and get a prescription.

Head lice are a common problem for school-aged children. They are tiny, crawling insects that attach to the scalp and lay their eggs. Fortunately, head lice do not carry any diseases or cause any serious illness. Most people can treat head lice themselves at home, although it is important to consult a doctor first.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!