Why Are There So Many Flies in Hot Weather?

Flies thrive in warm weather because they can feed and develop more rapidly. House flies, for instance, can hatch from an egg into a larvae in as little as 20 hours. Flies are attracted to warm temperatures because they provide moisture. In hot weather, flies can increase their population by multiplying at an alarming rate. In fact, house flies can become mature in just four days.

Flies feed on rotting food and decaying organic matter. They also spread a wide variety of germs. Some flies can spread anthrax and typhoid. Some flies are also carriers of tuberculosis and stomach ulcers.

Flies are attracted to warm areas, such as windows. You can see them on the walls and ceilings. They can also be found near garbage bins and fence wires. However, these insects rarely lay eggs indoors. If you want to prevent flies from entering your home, you may want to install a dehumidifier. Insecticide bombs containing permethrin may also be used.

Aside from the weather, another factor that may affect the number of flies in your home is the monsoon season. This season is already one of the wettest in the past two decades, and more storms are predicted. These rains mean more flies in the area. This is an added problem since flies are more difficult to kill than other pests. They can travel long distances and are hard to kill with a single chemical.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!