How Do Large Flies Get in the House?

Large flies can get into your home through small cracks or holes, and you might be wondering how they manage to stay indoors. They are also called house flies, cluster flies, blowflies, or flesh flies. Fortunately, they are not dangerous, but they can become a huge headache.

You can reduce the number of flies in your house by making sure that your home is not a haven for them. The first step is to avoid keeping garbage out in the open. Flies are attracted to decomposing organic matter and can breed in your home. Keep your kitchen and home clean by washing dishes frequently and storing food in airtight containers. Some flies will also breed in dead animals, so if you find dead animals in your home, you should make sure that you take steps to get rid of them.

Another common way large flies get into your house is by clustering together. These flies can enter your home through holes in the siding and cracks in windowsills. They can also get into your attic and basement through cracks and holes in the walls. They usually prefer dark and warm places and can get in through these places.

You can identify these flies by their coloration and size. They are about 1/8 inch long, have four black stripes on their thorax, and spongy mouthparts. They are more prevalent in the summer months.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!