How Easily Can Fleas Spread?

When fleas infest a home, they can easily spread and cause a massive infestation. Fleas live in a home for weeks and even months, and can lay their eggs in carpeting. When a potential meal disturbs them, the eggs hatch. This can make it difficult to get rid of fleas once they’re out of the home.

To get rid of fleas, you’ll need to treat your pets and home. This includes washing bedding and bathing them regularly. Make sure to use the hottest water possible, as this will help to kill flea pupae. You can also apply flea control products on your pets, as directed by your veterinarian.

Infested animals will drop their eggs, and flea eggs can be carried on a person’s clothing or footwear. Once they land on a moist surface, they will hatch and multiply rapidly, causing a flea infestation. You should also be aware of the hidden spots in your home, such as behind furniture.

Fleas live on a host’s fur, and will be attracted to these. Often, they’ll hop onto a human. When they can’t find an animal, they’ll jump on your pet, and bite you. Fleas will live on your pet for several months and even more, so it’s important to check for any signs of fleas.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!