How Easy Are Fleas to Spot?

Fortunately, the signs of flea infestation are not difficult to find. Most fleas are easy to spot because they are brown and around 0.1 to 0.3 centimeters long. You can also check for red, scabbed skin and hair loss. These are all signs that your pet might have fleas.

One way to detect fleas is by inspecting your dog’s fur. Flea dirt, which is actually a combination of flea feces and blood, will fall onto a piece of white paper. If you notice black specks on your dog’s skin, these are flea dirt. Wetting the black spots will reveal digested blood.

Fleas are small, flat insects that jump high. Adult fleas are about one-eighth of an inch in length and have six legs adapted for jumping. Fleas are extremely mobile and can jump as high as 30cm. Fleas are easily missed, and they can cause a huge infestation.

Another way to detect fleas is by using a light trap. The light trap consists of a small bowl of soapy water and a nightlight. Set this near a pet’s bed. The light will attract fleas, and if they fall into the water, they will drown.

Fleas are easy to spot if you notice black or red specks on your pet’s fur or on the carpet. Flea dirt is also reddish brown when wet. It can be distinguished from normal household dust, dirt, and dirt with water.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!