Can Fleas Only Be in One Room?

If your house is infested with fleas, it’s important to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Fleas aren’t just found in one room – they can also infest multiple areas. Fleas are typically transferred from pets to beds, furniture, and rugs. The bed is a common place for immature fleas to hide and feed. Therefore, finding fleas in the bed is important for stopping the infestation. If you notice any, they are probably on your bed taking a blood meal from a person, cat, or dog.

Fleas are a blight on your home, but they can be controlled by using a room fogger. However, you need to keep in mind that this method may not be effective for flea larvae. The larvae are much harder to remove from the body than flea eggs.

Moreover, fleas can jump from one room to another. This means that you may need to wash and vacuum the carpet. Fleas can live in human hair, on furniture, and even on window treatments. They also live in carpets and bed linens. If you haven’t vacated the home recently, you should contact the landlord or rent a rental property and have them get an exterminator come out.

During their larval stage, fleas will spin a silk cocoon. During this process, the flea will incorporate debris from the environment into the cocoon. Once inside, they will begin to pupate and can live for up to five days. However, in unfavorable conditions, they can live for a year or more.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!