Can Fleas Live on Soft Furnishings?

One of the most effective methods of controlling fleas in a home is to regularly wash your furniture and bed linen. In addition, you should vacuum regularly as well. Fleas prefer dark areas where dirt and debris collect. Mats and rugs are classic breeding grounds for fleas. Flea sprays are an effective way to treat furniture and soft furnishings.

Fleas carry several diseases and can live on soft furnishings. Fleas can be transported indoors on clothing and may also be hiding in second-hand furniture and rugs. However, it is very easy to kill them by washing the furniture and soft furnishings. However, you should be very careful and wash the furnishings thoroughly, particularly upholstered furniture.

You should also keep a close watch on your home’s temperature. In warm climates, fleas lay eggs. Flea pupae may remain dormant for months, but as the indoor temperature increases, they hatch. Fleas can live for weeks without feeding.

While fleas prefer to live on a host, they can live on soft furnishings, such as carpets and drapes. Because they prefer warm and dark areas, these items can be the perfect hiding spots for fleas. If you suspect that there are fleas in your home, make sure to wash and treat your soft furnishings immediately.

Often, the simplest way to find fleas is to search with a flashlight. Fleas tend to hitch a ride on white material. By using a flashlight, you can see flea dirt and eggs.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!