How Hard Is It To See Fleas?

Fleas are small, and it can be difficult to see them unless you have good vision. Fleas have flat bodies and six legs that enable them to jump. They can jump up to 30cm. They are about 1.5 to 4mm long, with the males being smaller than the females. Fleas are generally yellow, red, or dark brown. You can see them best on white-furred pets.

Fleas are difficult to see with the naked eye because they are so small (only about one-eighth inch in length). Fleas move quickly, so visual checks may not be very accurate. The best way to tell if your pet has fleas is to check for flea dirt. Flea dirt looks like dirt specks on your pet’s coat. These dirt specks turn reddish brown when wet.

Flea bites may be itchy and red. Fleas usually attack the legs and ankles, but they can also bite the armpits and the waist. If you think your pet has fleas, it’s best to remove the source of the infestation. This includes getting rid of the eggs and larvae that lay the eggs.

Fleas are small, dark insects that feed off their hosts. They are less than one-eighth inch long, but their bite is itchy and can be painful. Their bites can also carry tapeworm, so it’s important to treat your home effectively.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!