How Long Can Fleas Live in Soft Furnishings?

Fleas are very hard to get rid of, but it’s not impossible. Their life cycle is fairly complex and they can survive without a host for up to 100 days. Flea larvae can live for several weeks and pupae can survive for months. This means that the longer you leave an infestation, the more likely it is that you’ll have to deal with more fleas.

Adult fleas reproduce when they feed on blood. They lay a number of eggs – usually around 20 – each day. Their eggs are so tiny that you can’t even see them. Once they’ve laid their eggs, they don’t lie dormant for long. Flea eggs hatch into larvae in less than two weeks. Some fleas can even lay hundreds of eggs a day.

Fleas can live in a variety of soft furnishings, including your clothing. Their larvae are more likely to seek shelter in soft furnishings, which means they’ll find a dark place to hide. Fleas need warmth and darkness to survive, so they prefer to live in carpets.

Fleas are very irritating, and they can cause severe health problems in humans and animals. They are a common problem and can live in your soft furnishings for up to three months. Flea eggs usually live for two to three days before hatching, and the adult fleas can live for up to twelve days in a carpet with a host.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!