Are Fleas Easy to Squish?

The question “Are fleas easy to squish?” may seem like an unanswerable one. Fleas aren’t like most insects that bite you. The tough outer shell of fleas is made of chitin, a polymer that is found in fungi, as well as in the beaks and internal shells of cephalopods and crabs. It is believed that fleas developed chitin as a natural defense against predators.

The main thing you can do to get rid of fleas is to clean your home thoroughly. This is especially important if you have an intense infestation. This will help reduce the number of bites you receive and reduce the irritation that you’ll experience from the fleas. It is important to vacuum under all furniture and keep the house spotless, as fleas often hide in these places. It is also important to wash all pet bedding and toys in hot water to kill fleas.

Fleas can cause serious health problems, including fever, loss of appetite, and muscle pains. Fleas are easily transmitted through bare hands, so it’s important to wash your hands and avoid touching the fleas with your bare hands. This could lead to the spread of the Flea-borne (murine typhus) infection.

Fleas have four distinct life stages: the adult stage and the larval stage. The adults live on their hosts and feed on their blood. The larvae stage is their last stage, and they stay hidden in areas where the pet rests. Eventually, they transform into pupae, which live in a silk-like cocoon for one to four weeks. In some cases, this can take longer if the conditions are unfavourable.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!