What is the Best For Cockroaches?

When it comes to cockroach control, there are many effective methods, but the most important thing to remember is that not all methods are effective. In addition to using a pesticide, you should also use a bright flashlight to thoroughly inspect the area and to locate the cockroaches’ preferred harborage locations.

Several different insecticides are available for cockroach control, including aerosol and liquid sprays. There are also cockroach-killing gels and baits that can be applied directly to the roaches. You should follow all product instructions carefully so you get the best results. When using an insecticide, you must also remove any food that may come into contact with the product.

Another popular natural insecticide is baking soda, which has a similar effect to boric acid and kills roaches by generating gas bubbles that kill the insects. Baking soda is non-toxic to humans and is not absorbed into their bodies. Diatomaceous earth is another natural cockroach killer. It works by absorbing the liquid from roach shells and forming crystals. This method is effective because the roaches cannot build up an immunity to it.

If you are dealing with a large infestation, it may be necessary to periodically replenish the bait. If you are using a syringe-type applicator, you should be careful not to put large globs of the bait out. Instead, try to place small amounts in small areas. Another important thing to remember is to avoid using cleaning agents near the bait placements. These agents may discourage the cockroaches from taking the bait.