What Do Cockroach Stains Look Like?

Cockroach droppings can be difficult to spot on dark colored carpets and thick rugs. It’s important to thoroughly inspect these areas and vacuum them thoroughly. You can then use carpet shampoo to remove the stains. Most carpet shampoos contain enzymes that break down the protein in stains. Scrubbing the carpet with a rough brush can also be effective. You should do this after the rug has dried completely.

Cockroach feces can also be a sign of infestation. The feces of cockroaches are often dark brown. They are usually less than a millimeter in diameter. At close range, they may look like finely ground black pepper or coffee grounds. If you have seen feces, it’s best to call an exterminator immediately.

You can also detect cockroach droppings by smelling them. They have a sour or oily smell that is very unpleasant. This odor attracts other roaches and makes the infestation worse. Cockroach droppings are also similar to American cockroach droppings.

Cockroach eggs are often hidden behind picture frames or along baseboards. Cockroaches do not usually roam around homes until a problem is severe. If you’re suspicious about an infestation, look for feces. Cockroach feces look like black pepper or ground coffee. This is an important sign of a cockroach infestation.