Why Do Cockroaches Suddenly Appear in Your Home?

Cockroaches can appear anywhere in the house, so if you have just moved in, it’s possible that you’ve recently had an infestation. You may notice them on wrapped furniture and items, and you might even see them in cracks and holes under doors. These creatures often come from neighboring homes, so don’t be alarmed if you find them in your home.

Cockroaches reproduce rapidly. They lay eggs in egg cases called oothecae, which are about a week after the couple mates. The female cockroach produces an egg case once a month for ten months. Each case contains 16 eggs, and the female will carry the egg case for a couple days before laying her eggs.

Cockroaches are often attracted to light. This means that they may be gliding towards you when you turn on the light. Cockroaches are not very good flyers, and they’re also less likely to return to an upright position if they feel frightened.

Cockroaches can be large or small, and they can appear in clean, tidy homes. They’re also known to breed prolifically, so they can spread their colonies without homeowners’ knowledge.