How Hot to Kill Cockroaches

When you need to kill a cockroach infestation, it’s important to choose the right temperature. Although there are different temperature thresholds for different species, sustained heat is lethal to all insects. For cockroaches, 130 degrees Fahrenheit is enough to kill them within seven minutes. If you don’t have the patience to wait for seven minutes, you may want to consider hiring a professional exterminator.

To kill cockroaches in your car, heat is an excellent option. Before using heat, cover all windows in the car so that they’re out of direct sunlight. This can damage dashboard plastic and sun-fade the interior of your car. Leave the car uncovered for a couple of days to ensure that the temperature is just right. If necessary, test the temperature using a thermometer.

Keeping a heater on can help kill cockroaches quickly. When temperatures are low, cockroaches reduce their activities. This can be dangerous for their reproduction and growth. They may also seek out warmer areas to spend the winter. These may include garages or sheds or even spaces under piles of wood.

A good rule of thumb is to use a high temperature, but not too hot. The hotter the temperature, the faster the cockroaches will die. It is best to avoid exposing cockroaches to too much heat, because they don’t have a way to cool themselves down. Even if they are fed, a hot environment can kill cockroaches.