How Long Do Cockroaches Live in a House?

Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests, and they are capable of surviving for up to one month without food. Unfortunately, they cannot survive for more than a week without water. Without water, they get weak and start to lose weight. They also become sluggish and don’t run around as much.

To find food to eat, cockroaches will eat anything that has starch, such as cardboard or paper. They will also eat rotting food. Even animal droppings are a favorite source of food for cockroaches. This is because feces and poop provide vital nutrients to them. This can make it difficult to get rid of these pests.

The lifespan of a cockroach depends on a number of factors, including the temperature in its environment. For example, if the temperature is warm, the roach may live longer. But if the temperature is cold, it may not survive for long.

Cockroach eggs have a 28-day lifespan. This time frame is much shorter than other cockroach species, and their lifespan is not long. Most adults are one to five months old. After that, they will start laying eggs and will eventually mature into fully-grown adult cockroaches.

Cockroaches usually stay in dark places. This allows them to find food and breed. Because they are very good at hiding, they can easily cause an infestation to occur. You can spot them by looking for their smears and pellets, which look like coffee grounds.