How Do Cockroach Live in Cold Weather?

Cockroaches live in all continents except for Antarctica, which has very harsh winters and no warm hiding places for them. However, they are not completely dormant in cold weather, and their behavior changes in response to the cold. Cockroaches slow down their metabolic processes when the temperature is lower than 40 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the equivalent of -17 degrees Celsius. Once temperatures reach this level, cockroaches become less active, and they tend to look for warmer places to survive.

Cockroaches are most active when the temperature is between 77 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. During the summer, cockroaches are most active, and if temperatures drop below this, they will leave the cold area in search of a warmer one. Since cockroaches have no internal heat production, they must thermoregulate to survive in cold temperatures.

To survive in cold weather, roaches need time to acclimate to the cold. However, if they do not have time to acclimate, they will die out as soon as temperatures drop below zero degrees. Also, sudden cold snaps can take the roaches close to the freezing point and kill them, even if the temperature doesn’t drop below 0 degrees.

Cockroaches cannot survive in extremely cold temperatures. If temperatures fall to 0 degrees Fahrenheit or -17 degrees Celsius, most cockroaches will die within half an hour. Nevertheless, there are some species of cockroaches that can survive in colder temperatures.