Do Cockroach Have Ears?

When you think of cockroaches, do you think of them as creatures with ears? While their elongated bodies and long antennae are impressive, they don’t have the high-frequency hearing that mammals possess. Despite this, cockroaches have excellent senses and can monitor predators and their surroundings. Without their ears, cockroaches rely on their other senses, such as smell, to get around.

The German cockroach can survive for a week without food or water. That means it can survive in the ear of a human for as long as three days. The 60-year-old man who found the cockroach in his ear, sprayed some pesticides inside and got rid of it.

Although it is rare to find a cockroach inside a human’s ear, it can occasionally enter them. Cockroaches tend to be drawn to ear wax because of its tasty fatty acids and volatile lipids. Therefore, if you find a cockroach in your ears, you should consult a doctor immediately.

If you cannot remove the insect, you may want to use olive oil, baby oil, or mineral oil to kill it. If these methods do not work, you may need to apply antibiotics to the ear canal.