How Do Cockroaches Spread?

Cockroaches are hardy little creatures. They can run up to 1.7 miles per hour and can spread quickly. Cockroaches find dark, moist areas to live, and often hide in the cracks and crevices of your home. They also like to hide under appliances and on high shelves.

Cockroaches carry diseases and bacteria that can infect humans and animals. They can transfer disease through contaminated food, water and surfaces. They can also transmit illnesses through their spit. This bacteria can make your food sick, and it can also lead to an outbreak of respiratory and digestive problems, including asthma.

The germs cockroaches carry can affect your health, which is why they should be removed immediately. They are also notorious for contaminating surfaces. Moreover, they are also known to travel to kitchens and food preparation areas and transfer these diseases to you and your family. These creatures can cause food poisoning, asthma, and allergies, and are a major nuisance for homeowners and businesses.

People with allergies and asthma are especially vulnerable to cockroach allergens. Their saliva and feces may contain proteins that can trigger an allergic reaction in humans. People with this infection should seek immediate medical care. Antibiotics should be administered within 24 hours of contact with infected areas.