Can You Get Cockroaches in a Clean House?

You may be surprised to know that even the cleanest of homes can become a breeding ground for cockroaches. Cockroaches are attracted to certain food sources, such as food scraps, which they can find in your kitchen. For this reason, it is crucial to thoroughly clean your home to prevent cockroaches from moving in.

Cockroaches are attracted to moisture, so they will be looking for a place where they can find it. They will most likely seek out the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry areas, as well as any other moist places in your home. This type of pest may also invade your home through leaks from a sink or toilet.

It is important to remember that cockroaches can survive for a month or more without food. Hence, you need to store food in airtight containers. Also, you can place glue strips in areas of high cockroach activity. You may also wish to cover the corners of your house with plastic wrap.

Keep your kitchen and pantry clean. If you keep the kitchen and pantry sanitized, you will have fewer roaches. Roaches also like to feed on food that is not sealed properly. Also, food left out for pets will attract them. Additionally, roaches will also feed on things like paper, cardboard, and even wallpaper.