Do I Have Cockroaches in My House?

To determine whether you have cockroaches in your house, look for their droppings. They are dark, less than one millimeter wide, and usually appear near areas of food. Cockroaches also produce a distinct pheromone. It may not be very strong, but it can be a good indicator of a cockroach infestation.

Cockroaches thrive in conditions with high levels of humidity and moisture. They feed on food left out and food that is not properly sealed. Therefore, you should keep food bowls high and away from the floor. Cockroaches are also attracted to leaky faucets and cracked shower doors.

Cockroaches can be an extremely frustrating problem to deal with. They can easily sneak into your home, even if it is clean. It is best to inspect your house regularly, and make sure there are no hidden places. This will minimize the risk of cockroach infestation.

It is not always necessary to hire a professional cockroach exterminator to eradicate your cockroach problem. Using over-the-counter products to kill cockroaches can be a viable option for smaller infestations. These products are effective and inexpensive.

The most common cockroach in the U.S. is the German cockroach. A single female can produce as many as 30,000 cockroaches in a year. The German cockroach can be a difficult infestation to contain because it spreads so quickly. They have broad bodies and folded wings.